Switch on the Smart Life.

Technology: A boon or a bane?

That’s a question which each generation will answer differently.

“Mobile is the bane of my existence” is a dialogue that could be heard in my mother’s voice on a daily basis at my home. Anything goes wrong, she is quick to blame the technology.

Come to think of it, almost everyone from our previous generation have taken pride in the way they have grown up, a world where the piece of technology they were most familiar with was the radio which was a luxury afforded only by the affluent. Countless times, I have heard my parents and theirs tell how the world was a better place to live, then. Maybe it is true, maybe not.

Truth is, the world we live in is a lot different than the world our parents grew up in. Our world is evolving rapidly with each passing day. We live in a fast paced, practical, competitive, greedy and a tad bit unsafe world where technology is one of the only things that can make you feel secure and safe. And happy too.

I sleep better and feel safer knowing there is a Smart Camera installed in my housing society. A Smart camera when installed in a building or a house, constantly and efficiently monitors each and every activity that happens around the place, warning us of any suspicious activity. It comes in handy for the police officials to track and trace down criminals who are caught red handed by the ingenious device while or after doing something untoward. With how unsafe the world has become especially when the crimes against women are on an alarming high, this Smart Device is a basic necessity in every lane/institution/society/home for a better and a Safer India.

As a 90s kid I have actually witnessed the rapid evolution of technology. From the early Nokia mobiles to smartphones that is connected to watches, switches and lights, we are living in the best phase of technology. I might even go ahead and say sometimes it feels surreal. This evolution feels like magic.

How else could we explain a watch that could take an ECG of the heart? Technology has given us Smart Wearables that could perform an ECG of the heart. Sounds Unbelievable but trust me it’s True. Gone are the days when a watch can only tell us the time of the day or worn just as an added style accessory. These days, we have watches that could perform an ECG, monitor heart rates, alert us when it’s high or low, place an emergency SOS call when we fall, check our calorie and nutrition intake, the weight we lost, the calories we need to burn, our stress levels, the sleep we get, the sleep we need and probably everything that concerns our health and fitness. It’s like having a caring doctor always by your side ensuring we stay our fittest best.

Our previous generation may say that these smart devices have created a rift amongst us humans, and are a bane to the society but in my opinion when used in the way it was intended to, these super efficient smart gadgets will ALWAYS remain a Boon.

Technology ensures our homes
remain safe and smart,
We become fit and healthy,
It gives our days a healthy start.

Making our lives
easy and stress-free,
it is playing the role
of an efficient assistant’s part.

Why wait to join the #SmartHomeRevolution?
Let’s vouch for health,
and #GetFitWithFlipkart.


(The image was taken from google and the credit goes to the owner.)

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